When communication becomes difficult.....
Our wants, needs and feelings will be better understood when we stop expecting others to somehow magically know what they are. When we communicate them clearly and without expectation, then we respect ourselves, others and our relationships.
For when you need someone to listen

After bereavement or loss.....
Sometimes words are difficult. Thoughts and feelings tumble into each other. Family and friends have their own memories. Colleagues retreat into silence for fear of upsetting you. So here is space just for you.
Life is a balancing act.....
Finding a balance between life's daily demands and our resources can be a challenge. Here we'll take a step back, inhale deeply and begin to see the wood from the trees. Then we can begin to find our feet and redress the balance.
I feel I can't.....
Anxiety, depression and fears can leave us feeling overwhelmed and stuck. In the same way that one pebble helps to build a mountain so too can one tiny shift in attitude or thought bring about change.
Too painful to talk about.....
Emotional, physical or sexual abuse and other traumatic events can lead to long legacies of painful memories, problems with identity, difficulties in relating and post-traumatic stress. We cannot change the past, yet we can change how it affects us today. Recovery is possible.